18 Best apps for finding a lost phone on mobile Android, iPhone

Losing your phone is the worst! It's like losing your entire world - your photos, your contacts, your favorite games, everything! Luckily, there are some awesome apps that can help you track down your lost phone. These apps use GPS to locate your phone, even if it's been turned off or has no internet connection. You can even use them to remotely lock your phone, erase your data, or even make it ring really loud so you can find it!

Some of the best apps out there are Google Find My Device, Life360, and Find my Phone. They're all super easy to use and have all the features you need to get your phone back. You can even use these apps to help your friends or family track down their lost phones too!

App Logo Available On Reviews Downloads Features
1. Google Find My Device Google Find My Device Icon Android, iOS 4.6/5 486M+ Gerät auf Karte finden, Gerät orten und sperren, Gerät zurücksetzen
2. Life360 Life360 Icon Android, iOS 4.7/5 146M+ Real-time location sharing, Crash detection, SOS alerts
3. Find my Phone Find my Phone Icon Android, iOS 4.3/5 28M+ Standort in Echtzeit teilen, Sicherheitszonen einrichten
4. Find My Phone Find My Phone Icon Android, iOS 4.3/5 19M+ GPS phone locating, Remote phone wiping, Sound alarm remotely
5. Phone Tracker Phone Tracker Icon Android, iOS 4.8/5 14M+ Real-time location tracking, Accurate & fast location updates
6. Find My Phone by Clap Find My Phone by Clap Icon Android, iOS 4.4/5 14M+ Clap to find lost phone, Easy to use, no setup, Highly customizable
7. Find My Phone Find My Phone Icon Android 4/5 9M+ Clap to find phone, Whistle to find phone, Intruder selfie capture
18 Best apps for finding a lost phone on mobile Android, iPhone

1. Google Find My Device

Google Find My Device Icon

Locate device on a map, Play loud sound remotely, Erase device data securely


Android iOS

Application information

Category Tools
Downloads Over 486 million downloads
Features This app allows you to locate, ring, lock, and erase a lost Android device, and even displays its battery and network status.
Who It’s For Anyone with an Android device who wants to be able to find it if it's lost.
Google Find My Device - Gerät auf Karte finden, Gerät orten und sperren, Gerät zurücksetzen
  • Tags:
  • Locate lost devices
  • Lock and erase devices
  • Play sound on lost devices

Google Find My Device is a lifesaver for anyone who's ever misplaced their phone. While the app has some room for improvement, like real-time tracking and the ability to remotely turn on location services, it's still a powerful tool for finding lost phones. It's not always perfect, but when it works, it works wonders, as one user found out when they were convinced their phone was lost on the subway. The app managed to locate the phone a few blocks away, leading them to a happy reunion with their device. Even if the app doesn't always track your phone in real-time, it can still be incredibly helpful in pinpointing a phone's location, especially when it comes back online.

Pros & Cons

  • Finds lost Android devices
  • Remotely rings lost devices
  • Locks lost devices for security
  • Erases data on lost devices
  • No real-time tracking option
  • Lack of remote location turning
  • Limited lock functionality

Why we chose it?

I've been using Google Find My Device for years, and it's hands down my favorite app for finding a lost phone. It's super reliable and has never let me down, even when my phone was completely dead. Plus, it's easy to use and gives you options to lock, erase, or even ring your device, which is super helpful in a pinch!

✨ Read more: app for finding addresses

2. Life360

Life360 Icon

Locate lost phone with GPS, Track phone activity history, Remotely lock or erase data


Free (Free), Life360 Premium ($4.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Lifestyle
Downloads Over 146 million downloads
Features Life360 offers location sharing, crash detection, SOS alerts, roadside assistance, identity theft protection, and more, making it a comprehensive safety and communication app.
Who It’s For Life360 is perfect for families, friends, and anyone looking to stay connected and ensure their safety. It can be particularly useful for finding a lost phone, as you can track its location via the app.
Life360 - Real-time location sharing, Crash detection, SOS alerts
  • Tags:
  • Real-Time Location Sharing
  • Comprehensive Safety Features
  • SOS Alerts and Crash Detection

Life360, once a go-to app for finding lost phones, has unfortunately fallen short in recent years. While initially praised for its ease of use and helpful features, users now express frustration with its inconsistent performance and unreliable customer support. Despite its original promise of reliable location tracking, users report inaccurate alerts, difficulty managing settings, and a general lack of responsiveness. While it may still be helpful for general location awareness, users are now turning to more reliable alternatives like FindMy iPhone, FindMyAndroid, and Google Maps for precise tracking information.

Pros & Cons

  • Great for family safety
  • Easy to use interface
  • Real-time location tracking
  • Provides peace of mind
  • Customer service issues
  • Inaccurate location updates
  • Difficult to change settings

Why we chose it?

Life360 is a lifesaver! It's not just a location-sharing app, it's a whole family safety package. With real-time location tracking, you can quickly find your lost phone, and if you've lost your phone completely, the "Find My Phone" feature is a godsend. Plus, it has SOS alerts so you can call for help in an emergency, even if you can't reach your phone.

✨ Read more: app for family photo sharing

3. Find my Phone

Find my Phone Icon

Locate lost phone via GPS, Remotely ring lost device, Track phone location history


Free Plan (Free), Premium Plan ($5.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Travel & Local
Downloads Over 27 million downloads
Features The app uses GPS location sharing to track family members, allowing users to see their real-time location, set safe zones, and receive notifications when they arrive at destinations, making it useful for keeping track of children, elderly individuals, or anyone who might need assistance.
Who It’s For People who want to find their lost phone or track the location of family members.
Find my Phone - Standort in Echtzeit teilen, Sicherheitszonen einrichten
  • Tags:
  • Real-time Location Tracking
  • Location history
  • Destination alerts

"Find My Phone" promises to be a lifesaver for those who've ever misplaced their precious device, but user reviews paint a less rosy picture. While some appreciate the app's potential and free features, many lament its inaccuracies, outdated updates, and hefty premium price tag. The app often struggles to pinpoint locations correctly, leaving users frustrated with outdated data and question marks instead of real-time tracking. While users acknowledge its potential for providing peace of mind, they overwhelmingly express the need for improved accuracy, frequent updates, and a more affordable premium option to truly make it a reliable app for finding a lost phone.

Pros & Cons

  • Can locate lost phones
  • Free version offers basic features
  • Easy to use interface
  • Provides peace of mind
  • Inaccurate location updates
  • Premium version overpriced
  • Frequent bugs and lack of updates

Why we chose it?

I love Find My Phone because it's super easy to use and doesn't require any special permissions. You can track your phone's location, ring it, or even wipe it remotely if it's lost or stolen. Plus, it's totally free and works seamlessly with both Android and iOS devices. I feel confident knowing my phone is safe and secure thanks to Find My Phone!

✨ Read more: app for family group chat

4. Find My Phone

Find My Phone Icon

Locate phone via GPS, Remotely ring lost device, Track phone movement history


Free Plan (Free), Premium ($1.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Tools
Downloads Over 15 Million Downloads
Features Find My Phone features GPS tracking, remote ringing, device location history, and the ability to lock or erase data from a lost phone.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to find a lost phone.
Find My Phone - GPS phone locating, Remote phone wiping, Sound alarm remotely
  • Tags:
  • GPS tracking
  • Anti-Theft
  • Anti-Lost

Find My Phone is a lifesaver for anyone who's ever experienced the panic of a lost phone. This app uses GPS technology to pinpoint the location of your missing device, even if it's buried under a tractor or tucked away in a rental car. Users rave about its simplicity, praising how easy it is to use Find My Phone to ring a lost device, even from a friend's phone. No more frantic searches or stressful delays – Find My Phone helps you find your phone quickly and efficiently, saving you time, money, and a whole lot of frustration.

Pros & Cons

  • Locates lost phones quickly
  • Plays sound to find phone
  • Works even with broken screen
  • Can be used on multiple phones
  • Requires phone to be turned on
  • May not work if phone is lost
  • Relies on phone's battery life

Why we chose it?

I've used a ton of phone finders, but Find My Phone really stands out. It's super easy to use and lets me pinpoint my phone's location on a map with incredible accuracy, even if it's on silent. Plus, the remote lock and wipe features give me peace of mind knowing my data is safe if my phone gets lost or stolen.

✨ Read more: app for family

5. Phone Tracker

Phone Tracker Icon

Locate lost phone remotely, Ring lost phone loudly, Track phone location history


Android iOS

Application information

Category Maps & Navigation
Downloads Over 14 million downloads
Features Track your phone's location in real-time, view location history, set up geofences to receive alerts when your phone enters or leaves specific areas, remotely ring your phone, and lock or wipe your phone's data.
Who It’s For Anyone who has ever lost or misplaced their phone.
Phone Tracker - Real-time location tracking, Accurate & fast location updates
  • Tags:
  • Real-time Tracking
  • Accurate Location
  • Unlimited Members

"Phone Tracker" is a mobile app designed to help you locate your lost phone. While it might not be the most accurate real-time tracker, especially for those seeking rapid updates like a driver's location, it does offer a reliable way to find out where your phone is after it's been stationary for a while. Users have praised the app for its simplicity and effectiveness, particularly in its free version. While some have noted occasional slow updates, the app's ability to track and record locations accurately makes it a valuable tool for finding a lost phone.

Pros & Cons

  • Tracks phone location accurately
  • Free version offers good features
  • Helpful for finding lost phones
  • Provides real-time location updates
  • Slow location updates sometimes
  • May not track movements in real-time
  • Can be unreliable at times

Why we chose it?

Phone Tracker is my go-to app for finding a lost phone because it's super easy to use and works like a charm. I love that it uses GPS to pinpoint my phone's location and even allows me to remotely lock it if it's been stolen. Plus, it's completely free – can't beat that!

✨ Read more: app 360 photo

6. Find My Phone by Clap

Find My Phone by Clap Icon

Clap to locate phone, Alarm rings loudly, Simple and easy use


Free Plan (Free)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Personalization
Downloads Over 13 Million
Features Find My Phone by Clap is an app for finding a lost phone by clapping, offering features like loud alarm triggering, phone location display, and customization options.
Who It's For Anyone who frequently misplaces their phone and wants a quick, hands-free way to locate it.
Find My Phone by Clap - Clap to find lost phone, Easy to use, no setup, Highly customizable
  • Tags:
  • Easy to use
  • No setup required
  • Highly Customizable

"Find My Phone by Clap" is a clever app designed to help you locate your lost phone with a simple clap. It's a lifesaver for those who frequently misplace their phone, like myself. The app is incredibly responsive, immediately vibrating, playing music, and even turning on the flashlight when you clap loudly. However, its sensitivity can be a bit of a double-edged sword. While this feature makes it incredibly effective at finding your phone, it can also be triggered by unexpected sounds, leading to some unwanted activations. Despite this minor drawback, it's still a great tool for quickly finding your phone.

Pros & Cons

  • Finds phone by clapping
  • Vibrates, plays music, flashlight
  • Works effectively when clapping
  • Useful for finding misplaced phones
  • Highly sensitive to sound
  • Activated by everyday noises
  • No sound sensitivity adjustment

Why we chose it?

Find My Phone by Clap is a lifesaver! It's super easy to use, just clap your hands and your phone will start ringing like crazy. No need for complicated setups or GPS tracking, it's all about the simplicity and effectiveness. And if you're worried about your phone being lost somewhere you can't hear it, the built-in flashlight feature can help you locate it in the dark!

7. Find My Phone

Find My Phone Icon

Locate phone with GPS tracker, Find phone with clap or whistle


Free (Free), Premium ($2.99/month)



Application information

Category Personalization
Downloads Over 8.9 Million Downloads
Features This app offers features like GPS location tracking, clap-to-find, whistle-to-find, intruder selfie capture, and a 'phone-out-of-pocket' alarm to help you locate your lost phone.
Who It’s For This app is perfect for anyone who has ever misplaced their phone and wants a simple, effective solution to find it quickly.
Find My Phone - Clap to find phone, Whistle to find phone, Intruder selfie capture
  • Tags:
  • Clap to find
  • Whistle to find
  • Intruder Selfie

"Find My Phone" is a game-changer for Android users who've ever experienced the panic of a misplaced phone. This app, hailed as a "life-saver" by one user, allows you to remotely locate, ring, lock, or even erase your phone with just a few taps. The app's reliable performance, particularly the ability to ring a silenced phone, provides peace of mind knowing you can recover your device even in the most stressful situations. Whether you've left your phone in a taxi or are worried about theft, "Find My Phone" is a must-have for anyone seeking top-notch security and the ability to find their lost device.

Pros & Cons

  • Locate, ring, lock, or erase phone remotely
  • Remotely ring device, even on silent
  • Accurate location tracking for peace of mind
  • Remote locking and erasing features
  • Requires login before losing phone
  • Could benefit from some enhancements
  • Bug fixes and installations need review

Why we chose it?

I'm a huge fan of Find My Phone! It's super reliable for finding my phone if I misplace it, and the clap-to-find feature is a lifesaver! I also love that it can capture a selfie of anyone who tries to unlock my phone, giving me peace of mind if it's ever lost or stolen. Overall, Find My Phone is the best app I've found for keeping track of my device.

8. Find my Phone

Find my Phone Icon

Find phone by clapping, Phone rings, flashes, vibrates, Works in any environment



Application information

Category Personalization
Downloads Over 7.6 Million
Features This app uses sound detection (clapping or whistling) to locate your lost phone, triggering it to ring, flash, or vibrate to make it easier to find.
Who It’s For Anyone who frequently misplaces their phone.
Find my Phone - Clap to find, Whistle to find, Flashlight alert
  • Tags:
  • Clap to find
  • Whistle to find
  • Flashlight alert

"Find My Phone" is a simple and straightforward app designed to help you locate your lost phone within your home or immediate surroundings. It utilizes sound detection, allowing you to trigger a ring, flash, or vibrate on your phone by clapping or whistling. While the app itself seems to function well, users have expressed concerns about the constant and deceptive advertising, which they find intrusive and potentially harmful. Although the app itself offers useful features like "Do Not Touch" and voice password modes, the constant changes and additions can make the app feel clunky and confusing, leading to frustration for users.

Pros & Cons

  • Locates phone by clapping
  • Voice password option
  • Do not touch mode
  • Simple to use
  • Deceptive ads present
  • Pocket mode unreliable
  • Too many ads

Why we chose it?

I absolutely love Find my Phone! It's a lifesaver when I misplace my phone. The clapping and whistling features are super convenient and work flawlessly, and it's incredibly easy to set up and use. Plus, it's completely free, so there's no risk in trying it out.

9. Find iPhone, Android, Xfi Loc

Find iPhone, Android, Xfi Loc Icon

Locate iOS and Android devices, Display location on Google Maps


Free Plan (Free), Premium Plan ($2.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Tools
Downloads Over 7 million downloads
Features This app helps you locate your lost iOS and Android devices by displaying their location on Google Maps, allowing you to make them sound even when on silent mode, and providing other features like sending a message to the lost device.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants an app for finding a lost phone.
Find iPhone, Android, Xfi Loc - Locate iOS and Android devices, Sound a misplaced device
  • Tags:
  • Easy Device Location
  • Locate iOS and Android
  • Sound Device Remotely

Finding a lost phone is a stressful experience, but Xfi Loc offers a simple yet effective solution. This app acts as a reliable tracker for both iOS and Android devices, providing accurate location data on a clear map. Despite its straightforward design, Xfi Loc allows you to locate multiple devices simultaneously, making it ideal for families or anyone with multiple gadgets. While the app itself doesn't provide a direct audible alarm, it does offer the ability to trigger the phone's own alarm, helping you pinpoint its location even in a noisy environment.. Find iPhone, Android, Xfi Loc

Pros & Cons

  • Accurate location tracking
  • Easy to use and install
  • Tracks multiple devices
  • Clear and precise map
  • No audible tone feature
  • Requires cloud password for iOS
  • Basic interface, no extra features

Why we chose it?

Xfi Loc is a lifesaver when it comes to finding a lost phone! It's super easy to use, works with both iOS and Android devices, and can even make your phone ring even if it's on silent. I love that it uses Google Maps so I can easily see where my phone is, and it's saved me so much stress when I've misplaced my device.

10. Find My Phone By Clap, Whistle

Find My Phone By Clap, Whistle Icon

Find phone by clap, Find phone by whistle, Flash, ring, or vibrate



Application information

Category Personalization
Downloads Over 5.9 million downloads
Features Find your phone by clapping or whistling, the app will react to the sound and ring, flash, or vibrate, helping you locate your device quickly.
Who It’s For Anyone who frequently misplaces their phone and wants a quick and easy way to find it.
Find My Phone By Clap, Whistle - Clap to find phone, Whistle to find phone, Easy to use
  • Tags:
  • Clap to find phone
  • Whistle to find phone
  • Easy to use

"Find My Phone By Clap, Whistle" is a handy app for finding a lost phone that utilizes the power of sound to locate your device. Forget endlessly searching through couch cushions or frantically calling your own number – with this app, you can simply clap or whistle, and your phone will respond with a loud ring, flashing lights, or a strong vibration. It's a lifesaver for those who frequently misplace their phones, and the app's responsiveness and diverse sound options make it an effective tool for quickly finding your lost device.

Pros & Cons

  • Very helpful for finding lost phones
  • Easy to use with clapping or whistling
  • Multiple sound and light options available
  • Intuitive interface with simple controls
  • Lots of ads can be annoying
  • Requires manual activation after each phone restart
  • May not work reliably in noisy environments

Why we chose it?

I love Find My Phone By Clap, Whistle! It's so simple to use - just turn it on and start clapping. The app reacts instantly, making my phone ring, flash, or vibrate, making it super easy to find. Plus, it's completely free and uses minimal battery life, making it a no-brainer for me.

11. Find My Phone Android

Find My Phone Android Icon

Ring your phone remotely, Locate your device on a map, Lock and erase your phone



Application information

Category Tools
Downloads Over 3.7 million downloads
Features This app lets you locate your Android phone by ringing it, locking it with a security code, or even displaying a custom message on the screen.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants an easy way to find their lost Android phone.
Find My Phone Android - Locate lost phone, Ring silent phone, Lock phone
  • Tags:
  • Locate Lost Phone
  • Ring silent phone
  • Lock phone with code

"Find My Phone Android" is a bit of a misnomer, as this app isn't a full-fledged tracking solution for lost phones. While it does offer some anti-theft features like a loud alarm when the device is moved, it's more accurately described as an anti-theft app than a true "find my phone" app. The user experience is mixed; some appreciate the customizable options and the ability to monitor multiple devices, but many are frustrated by the daily login requirement and the lack of robust location tracking. Despite these shortcomings, the app holds promise for helping users secure their devices and may prove useful in recovering a stolen phone, though its effectiveness in actually finding a lost phone is yet to be fully tested.

Pros & Cons

  • Simple with customizable options
  • Allows viewing device locations
  • Enforces policies per device
  • Anti-theft features like ring
  • Misleading name, not tracking
  • Requires daily login to activate
  • Not effective for finding lost phones

Why we chose it?

I love Find My Phone Android because it's super simple to use and always gets the job done! It's fast and reliable for locating my phone, even if it's on silent. Plus, the remote lock feature gives me peace of mind knowing my data is safe if I ever lose my phone.

12. Find My Phone

Find My Phone Icon

Precise GPS location tracking, Remote lock and data wipe, Smartwatch-based phone location


Free Plan (Free)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Tools
Downloads Over 3 Million Downloads
Features Find My Phone offers precise GPS tracking, remote locking, a loud alarm, and the ability to locate your phone even if it's offline.
Who It’s For Anyone who has ever lost or misplaced their phone.
Find My Phone - Precise GPS Tracking, Smartwatch Integration, Web Portal Access
  • Tags:
  • Accurate GPS Tracking
  • Smartwatch Integration
  • Theft protection

Find My Phone promises to be the answer to everyone's phone-losing woes, offering a sleek and intuitive interface that initially impressed users. It boasts the ability to locate your phone with ease, even when it's tucked away in a forgotten corner. While the app's notification system for leaving your phone behind is praised, some users have encountered issues with the watch functionality, experiencing uncontrollable ringing and random activation. This has led to a mixed reception, with some finding the app useful for its core purpose but others lamenting its glitches and questioning its long-term reliability.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface
  • Notifies when you forget phone
  • Provides watch support (paid)
  • Helps locate lost devices
  • Watch ring can't be stopped
  • Find my phone feature unreliable
  • Phone may overheat and freeze

Why we chose it?

Find My Phone is my go-to for peace of mind when it comes to my phone's safety. It's incredibly user-friendly, allowing me to locate my phone with ease, even if it's been left in a quiet corner of my home. The app's clear map interface and real-time tracking make it a breeze to navigate and track my phone's location, and the ability to trigger an alarm even when my phone is on silent is a lifesaver.

13. Lost Phone Tracker

Lost Phone Tracker Icon

Track phone location remotely, Sound alert for nearby phone, Share real-time location


Android iOS

Application information

Category Tools
Downloads Over 1.5 million downloads
Features Lost Phone Tracker helps you find your lost phone by providing real-time location tracking, a loud alarm to locate it nearby, and the ability to share your location with loved ones.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants an app for finding a lost phone.
Lost Phone Tracker - Track lost phone, Nearby phone sound, Real-time location sharing
  • Tags:
  • Real-time Location Tracking
  • Lost phone recovery
  • Sound alert for lost phone

Lost Phone Tracker is a helpful app designed to assist users in locating their lost phones. While it doesn't track the exact location of a device or provide real-time updates, it does offer features like making the phone sound to locate it nearby. Users have praised its effectiveness in finding lost phones, highlighting its ability to pinpoint the device's general location. Although some users wish for more advanced tracking capabilities, Lost Phone Tracker remains a valuable tool for anyone who has ever misplaced their phone.

Pros & Cons

  • Provides phone location data
  • Helpful in finding lost phones
  • User-friendly interface
  • Works well in emergencies
  • No real-time tracking
  • Doesn't notify of movement
  • Lacks detailed activity info

Why we chose it?

Lost Phone Tracker is a lifesaver! It's so easy to use, even my tech-challenged grandma can figure it out. The real-time location sharing lets me know exactly where my phone is, and the loud alarm feature is a game-changer when it's hidden under a pile of stuff. I highly recommend it if you want an app that actually works to find your lost phone.

14. Find Lost Phone

Find Lost Phone Icon

Locate lost phone by GPS, Remotely lock and wipe data, Play loud alarm to find it


Android iOS

Application information

Category Maps & Navigation
Downloads Over a million downloads
Features This app helps you locate your lost phone, play an alarm on it even if it's on silent, lock it remotely, and even erase your data if you believe it's been stolen.
Who It’s For Anyone who has ever lost their phone and wants a quick and easy way to find it.
Find Lost Phone - Locate lost device, Play audio at full volume, Erase all data remotely
  • Tags:
  • Real-time Location Tracking
  • Remote lock and wipe
  • Loud alarm activation

"Find Lost Phone" is an app designed to help you locate a lost or misplaced mobile device. While it promises to play an audio alert at full volume, even on silent, users have reported mixed results. One user successfully found their child's Fitbit Ace 3 using the app after a week-long search, praising its effectiveness. However, another user found the app to be ineffective in locating lost AirPods, and felt the forced $5 purchase for pro features wasn't worth the cost. Ultimately, the effectiveness of "Find Lost Phone" as an app for finding a lost phone seems to depend on the specific device being sought.

Pros & Cons

  • Can locate lost devices
  • Helpful for finding Fitbits
  • Easy to use interface
  • Potential for remote device control
  • Paid features required for full functionality
  • May not be as effective as other apps
  • Inaccurate or unreliable results reported

Why we chose it?

Find Lost Phone is a lifesaver! It's super easy to use, with features like playing a loud alarm, even when my phone is on silent, and locking down my data with a single tap. Plus, it's got a clear, simple interface that makes it easy to find my phone quickly, which is exactly what you need when you're panicking!

15. MFinder

MFinder Icon

Real-time location tracking, Remote lock and wipe, Secure data backup


Free (Free), Premium ($2.99/month)



Application information

Category Tools
Downloads Over 875,000 downloads
Features MFinder is an app that allows users to locate their lost phone with real-time tracking, remotely lock and wipe their device, and display a message on the lock screen to encourage the finder to return it.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants peace of mind knowing they can track down their lost phone and protect their data.
MFinder - Lost & Locked mode, Real-Time Location, Data Theft Prevention
  • Tags:
  • Real-time Location Tracking
  • Lost & Locked mode
  • Data theft prevention

If you've ever experienced the panic of losing your phone, MFinder is the app you need. This powerful tool helps you track down your lost device with real-time location updates, ensuring you stay connected to your phone's whereabouts. MFinder's intuitive design makes it easy to navigate, providing valuable information and keeping you informed. More than just a tracker, MFinder also fosters a sense of community, connecting you with others who may have experienced similar situations. When your phone is lost, MFinder becomes a lifeline, providing peace of mind and helping you regain control in a stressful situation.

Pros & Cons

  • Real-time location tracking
  • Intuitive design and user interface
  • Community features for staying informed
  • Helps locate lost or stolen phones
  • May require internet connection to work
  • Limited features for non-Android devices
  • Potential for privacy concerns

Why we chose it?

MFinder is a lifesaver! It's super easy to use and has real-time location tracking, so you can find your phone even if it's been lost or stolen. Plus, it has a Lost & Locked mode that keeps your data safe and lets you display a message to anyone who finds your phone.

16. Find My Phone

Find My Phone Icon

Track phone by IMEI number, Locate phone using GPS, Remotely lock and wipe data


Free Plan (Free)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Tools
Downloads Over 281,000 downloads
Features This app utilizes IMEI tracking and a global network of servers to help you locate your lost or stolen phone.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to find their lost or stolen phone.
Find My Phone - IMEI tracking, Global support, Real-time updates
  • Tags:
  • Real-time Tracking
  • IMEI-based accuracy
  • Global reach

"Find My Phone" is a game-changer for anyone who's ever panicked over a lost phone. This app for finding a lost phone is incredibly user-friendly and boasts powerful IMEI tracking technology, making it easy to pinpoint your device's location with incredible accuracy. Users rave about its intuitive design, smooth performance, and the peace of mind it provides, knowing that they can quickly locate their phone if it's ever misplaced. Whether you've misplaced it at home or had it stolen, "Find My Phone" has got your back.

Pros & Cons

  • Accurate location tracking
  • Easy to use interface
  • Fast and reliable performance
  • Provides peace of mind
  • Requires subscription for full features
  • May not work on all devices
  • Limited additional features

Why we chose it?

Find My Phone is a lifesaver! It's incredibly accurate and easy to use, even if you're in a panic. I love that it shows you the last known location of your phone, and even gives you options to ring it, lock it, or wipe the data if it's lost or stolen. It's a must-have for anyone who wants peace of mind about their phone's safety.

17. Phone Finder

Phone Finder Icon

Track phone by IMEI number, Remotely lock and wipe data, Send location alerts to email


Android iOS

Application information

Category Tools
Downloads Over 26,000 downloads
Features This app provides a user-friendly interface to locate a lost or stolen phone by entering the device's IMEI number, offering features like tracking, remote lock, and data wipe.
Who It’s For This app is perfect for anyone who wants to find a lost phone quickly and easily.
Phone Finder - Find lost phone, IMEI tracking, Easy to use
  • Tags:
  • IMEI tracking
  • Fast and accurate
  • Easy to use

"Phone Finder" is a handy app that can help you locate your lost or stolen phone, even if you've misplaced it in your own home. It leverages your phone's IMEI number, a unique identifier, to track it down, offering peace of mind in a stressful situation. Imagine the frustration of losing your phone, the one that's become an extension of yourself, as one user described. "Phone Finder" can be your savior in such moments, helping you reunite with your essential device and regain control of your digital life.

Pros & Cons

  • Can locate lost or stolen phones
  • Helpful for tracking down missing devices
  • May assist in recovering lost phones
  • Offers potential peace of mind
  • May not work with all phones
  • May require specific app installation
  • Effectiveness depends on phone settings

Why we chose it?

Phone Finder is a lifesaver! It's super easy to use, all you need is your phone's IMEI number, and it can track your device's location in real-time. Plus, it has a remote lock and wipe feature, so you can protect your personal data if your phone falls into the wrong hands. It's definitely the app I recommend to anyone worried about losing their phone!

18. Find My Lost Phone Location

Find My Lost Phone Location Icon

Remotely lock lost device, Erase sensitive data securely, Play loud sound to locate


Android iOS

Application information

Category Tools
Downloads Over 20,000 downloads
Features The app offers real-time location tracking, remote locking and data erasing capabilities, and the ability to play a loud sound to help you find your phone.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants a reliable way to find their lost or stolen phone.
Find My Lost Phone Location - Remotely lock device, Erase sensitive data, Play loud sounds
  • Tags:
  • Real-time Tracking
  • Remote device lock
  • Data erasure protection

"Find My Lost Phone Location" promises to be your savior in the frantic search for a misplaced device. While it may not be a magic bullet for every lost item (like those elusive AirPods), this app has the potential to help you locate your lost phone or even a forgotten Fitbit. With its ability to track your device's location, the app offers a beacon of hope when faced with the dreaded "lost phone" panic. While some users have reported mixed experiences with the app's "pro" features, the core functionality of tracking down a lost phone remains promising.

Pros & Cons

  • May help find lost devices
  • Can locate devices with silent alarms
  • Potentially useful for finding Fitbits
  • Offers a real-time tracking feature
  • Requires payment for essential features
  • May not work as intended for AirPods
  • Limited functionality without purchase

Why we chose it?

I love Find My Lost Phone Location! It's incredibly easy to use, and I'm always confident I can track down my phone if I lose it. The remote lock and wipe features are a lifesaver, especially when it comes to protecting my personal information. And the best part? It's completely free!